Friday, July 9, 2010

About Books, July 10, 2010

Krista Tippett is well-known to WVIK listeners as the host of Speaking of Faith. Today she visits with me about her book, Einstein's God, a selection of interviews from her radio program.

Listen to the interview at


Dom Casas said...

Most college freshmen are very excited about starting their university experience. They walk wide-eyed around campus, making mental notes of clubs, organizations, and activities that catch their interest. Almost as an afterthought, they travel to the campus bookstore, thinking they may just pick up their books really quickly before heading back to their dorms for an afternoon of meet and greet; little do they realize the tremendous amount of money they (or, more likely, their parents) are about to spend. However, there are some ways of decreasing college textbooks expenses, if students are careful.

books for college

cecilgrass said...

I am curious about this one. As a man of science who was raised with faith, I find it the idea of reconciling the two fascinating even now as I read my science college books .