Friday, November 26, 2010

About Books, November 27, 2010

Gary Stuart is the author of Innocent Until Interrogated: The True Story of the Buddist Temple Massacre and the Tucson Four. This is an eye-opening book revealing how police interrogations can lead to false confessions...even false confessions of murder. Stuart is an attorney and this University of Arizona Press book shows how sloppy police work and severe interrogations can undermine justice.

Listen to the interview at

Friday, November 19, 2010

About Books, November 20, 2010

Michael Kammen, a Pulitzer Pize winner, has written a book on a rather quirky subject: Digging Up the Dead:a History of Notable American Reburials. In it you'll read about the the reburial of Edgar Allen Poe from an unmarked grave to a prominent site. Other persons whose remains are moved include Sitting Bull, Jefferson Davis, Daniel Boone, Abraham Lincoln, Frank Lloyd Wright etc. Along the way you'll learn lots about our history and about changing burial practices. Fascinating.

Listen to the interview at